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Sihiku värvi muutmine

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Sihiku värvi muutmine Empty Sihiku värvi muutmine

Postitamine by Seesam Laup 3 Sept - 11:38

Siin on cs 1.6 sihiku värvid. Muuta saad värvi nii, et kirjutad konsooli:
cl_crosshair_color "värv"
Ise kasutan valget:
cl_crosshair_color "255 250 250"

Värvi numbrid saad siit:
//Snow "255 250 250"
//Moccasin "255 228 181"
//Cornsilk "255 248 220"
//Ivory "255 255 240"
//LemonChiffon "255 250 205"
//Seashell Seashell "255 245 238"
//Honeydew "240 255 240"
//MintCream "245 255 250"
//Azure "240 255 255"
//AliceBlue"240 248 255"
//MistyRose "255 228 225"
//White "255 255 255"
//Black "0 0 0"
//DarkSlateGray "47 79 79"
//LightSlateGray "119 136 153"
//Grey "190 190 190"
//LightGray "211 211 211"
//MidnightBlue "25 25 112"
//RoyalBlue "65 105 225"
//Blue "0 0 255"
//PaleTurquoise "175 238 238"
//DarkTurquoise "0 206 209"
//MediumTurquoise "72 209 204"
//Turquoise "64 224 208"
//DarkGreen "0 100 0"
//PaleGreen "152 251 152"
//Green "0 255 0"
//GreenYellow "173 255 47"
//YellowGreen "154 205 50"
//PaleGoldenrod "238 232 170"
//LtGoldenrodYello "250 250 210"
//Yellow "255 255 0"
//Gold "255 215 0"
//Goldenrod "184 134 11"
//RosyBrown "188 143 143"
//IndianRed "205 92 92"
//SaddleBrown "139 69 19"
//Sienna "160 82 45"
//Beige "245 245 220"
//SandyBrown "244 164 96"
//Brown "165 42 42"
//Orange "255 165 0"
//DarkOrange "255 140 0"
//Tomato "255 99 71"
//OrangeRed "255 69 0"
//Red "255 0 0"
//HotPink "255 105 180"
//DeepPink "255 20 147"
//Pink "255 192 203"
//LightPink "255 182 193"
//PaleVioletRed "219 112 147"
//VioletRed "208 32 144"
//Magenta "255 0 255"
//Violet "238 130 238"
//Purple "160 32 240"

Sihiku värvi muutmine Sr_r_a12
Postituste arv : 1486
Liitunud : 25/12/2010

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